from what im lead to believe, its still pot luck. you can get a fast relected parts engine or an okay one, just as you can get a fast out the box engine or an okay one. i chose to have our engine re-built, purley to get it dynoed before and after the re-build to let me know if there was a problem with the engine...turns out we were only producing over 5.6. so we knew that some of the lack of speed was coming from an under performing engine. i asked a similar question about 5 months ago, most feedback was to get a £400 engine and spend the rest on new tyres. I decided on the re-build route and discovered we already had a pretty good engine. my advice would be, get a re-build, start racing with it then decide if its worth spending the money for a selected parts wont have wasted your money..keep your existing engine for practice.