You sound as though you are looking at this backward..... as many do!
You say little about your experience so I can only assume you are a beginner. this stage of your driving, the lap times will show NO difference between you driving a pile of rubbish and a 'front runner' type kart! All the 'lost time' will be in YOUR driving. When you have done half a dozen meetings, then the make and quality of the kart WILL start to make slight (and I do mean SLIGHT!) differences. After a year of racing, there will be a noticable difference between your lap times and the make of kart. Having said that bit, if there really WAS huge differences between the makes and models of the top 3 karts, then why on EARTH would any FRONT runners NOT be on identical chassis to all the others??? If there WAS a 'quick one' then EVERYBODY would be using it!!
During your early races, you WILL be more likely to have accidents, hit other karts, get HIT by other karts, leap over kerbs etc.. As your skill improves, these incidents should happen less often (you'll notice I said: 'should'!)! Each of those incidents will reduce the performance of your kart.
So..... and the reason for this reply...... is to show you that buying a 'GOOD' kart as your FIRST kart is not the wisest solution: while you are learing, you can't 'use' the quality of the kart.... and while you are learning you will DEGRADE the quality of a 'good' kart.
The ideal (in MY opinion) solution is to buy a well maintained but (probably) OLDER and thus CHEAPER chassis for which you readiliy get spares and advice and only think about buying something of higher quality MUCH further down the line (not for your first 5 or races AT LEAST!). Remember, you will not be ABLE to ue the qualities of a 'good kart' at this stage! At the end of that stage, you will be able to sell the earlier kart for not a HUGE amount less than you paid for it. If you 'buy well' you should be able to pick up a 'retirement sale' which will then include some of the sepecialised tools and spares (brake bleeder, trolley, fuel cans etc..) that you'll need and would have cost a FORTUNE if you bought them individually!
Good luck..... and remember...... it's really about spending the day SMILING!