Simon is obviously correct..... but be CAREFUL! I suspect he is adsvising a VERY 'momentary' choking to SLIGHTLY richen the mixture.
The problem can be that, as you place your hand near the air inlet, the in-rush will WHACK your hand over the inlet and you will, potentially, flood the motor while trying to release it again! In that case, no matter HOW lean you engine was running, it will STILL drop revs for a few moments after 'release' as the thing MAY be flooded!
Personally, I have always advised using just a couple of 'fingers' to reduce and not CUT the airflow. By this I mean that..... if your air intake will take 5 fingers to cover it, only apply 3 of them! If it takes only two, apply ONE finger, etc.. That reduces the air flow and thus partially 'chokes' the motor giving that extra fuel but it reduces the chance of getting your hand/glove 'stuck' and flooding the motor.
However, Simon has done this FAR more recently than I have 'personally' and I've not tried it on a 4 stroke so he may WELL be better informed than I am on this technique.
Simon's reply to this would be interesting.