I second that, was there watching last Sun, 120 plus entries covering everything from a strong grid of retro 80's & 90's, bambino (run properly and safely with a senior pace kart getting them going on the rolling lap, two stroke cadet, Honda cadet, easy kart / junior tkm / minimax, junior rotax to MSA spec and junior open - rotax no seals etc junior X30, senior rotax light and 177 in same grid the ten 177s on the back of the 25 kart grid, senior open - mix of rotary - sa250 4 stroke - water cooled 100's, 125 gearbox with faster rotary. safety scrutineering and some post race checking in the standard MSA type classes. Basically whatever you turned up in so long as it was safe they found a class for you to run in with karts comparable on pace, all for £50 for the whole weekend. One guy I chatted to in 177 (thinking of having a go similar to other old fat ex MSA dads) did a fair bit of 177 MSA, liked this for simplicity - having low stress fun - low cost - still safe with full medical and COC support. He was and 'older' guy whom said it reminded him of how used to be in the 'good old days' at Fulbeck and else where. Well done Chris of CA you had a lot on your plate on sunday and managed it well. Out of 120 I'm sure there will be someone whom will moan!!