As I said F.Blue 100cc LYNX ,NOT 115 maxi was the best series we raced in for over 7 yrs ,son won multiple club championships and top 3 most weekends, was even NKRA rep only had 1 DNF (no oil in mix)and hardly ever used our spare (£250 motor) except for lending it out. In its defence as it was a very cost effective class akin to TKM its poss due to recession as in TKM first classes to to fall away,not withstanding however the frequent change of series approved tyres,non availibility of parts ,and over £125 for starters,changing to Digital ignition £395 when people had no issues with their Analogue ignition except for a few dodgy ones, as with all classes.. The 115 was for older men ,eh teabag !!or larger younger drivers a lot of "young" leaner drivers are still MSA racing blue at Hooton Pk. One of our local drivers now at uni has his gear up for sale on Market place today Bargain!!! X30 has been out before 3/4 yrs ago will gradually I think repalce Blue sadly.