Andrew, put yourself in the MSA's shoes.
Let's say there are 4000 karters, most with the basic £36 licence. That's under £150k income to the MSA. if they double the number of licences, that's another £150k income - big deal! The figures they deal in, they could get that by sticking £10k on the annual entry fee of the BTCC teams who wouldn't even notice it.
Then there's the hassle involved. Most of my friends only read the MSA magazine because of the karting court appearances at the back. How much do those courts cost? I bet it's not covered by the fines and costs levied, much of the £150k income will be used to cover them. Double the number of licences, double the hassle.
If you don't like MSA karting then don't do it. Simples. Maybe that's what's behind the 2017 changes - keep people involved who want to play karting their way, let the others go off to IKR.
The MSA has nurtured karting from its early days to where it is now, it is probably time to let the adolescent loose as a grown up. There are more karters than there were when I was a kid, there is more racing around the country. Instead of constantly bashing the MSA why not turn your energies to making other forms of karting stronger and in the form you think is right, and leave them to run their branch of the sport in the way they want to.
It worked with indoor karting, it could work with 2-strokes.