me and my dad discussed this last night!
When you think about it no one has to prove their mechanical ability...
My Dad has gone through a year of pain, after breaking his leg in 3 places from poor kart maintenance essentially. He was hit by a kart whose brakes failed and throttle jammed on at the same time while volunteering as an observer on track.
The people involved are very lucky my dads such a nice guy. But if it was someone else there would be a clear case to answer for, and its taught me to be double careful when maintaining someones kart when i work for a team as theres a lot of responsibility especially with Juniors!!
So why don't they have instead of an ARKS test a maintenance competence certificate.... As iv seen on karts with no keyways in brakes.... rose joints about to snap all at MSA meetings. just through lack of knowledge.
Big can of worms but might as well say it as we all go on about safety this safety that We can't take pods off because someone may get hurt! but 50% that first start racing have very little mechanical knowledge. Maybe we should protect them and other through the power of knowledge??
The good kart teams maintain impeccable equipment levels . Fusion, Global, Strawberry, DHR, Etc. all have clean well presented karts with mechanics that know how to bolt the thing together... But theres nothing stopping someone coming in with hardly any knowledge and racing spanning themselves and not having a clue.
My dads paying the price for this still. THIS was at a MSA event...but the standards between IKR and MSA are no different regarding this... I just find it odd. and I'm glad SimonS brought up this example.
I would happily do a mechanics course and test for kart maintenance. Infact i think all mechanics should have the option to gain qualifications. as for some its their career.