"Stop blaming the officials and look at the drivers and teams with there win at all cost attitude."
It isn't just the teams. At a recent meeting I heard an official describe one class as having 'gentlemanly driving' in a manner that left me in no doubt that he felt that "real karters make contact".
It's exactly the same attitude that dogs karting over the use of kerbs, "real" drivers do it deliberately and considering that it is cheating, as much as having a non-compliant engine, is regarded as "unmanly".
Mind you, at the other end of the scale, it has been rumoured* that someone is trying to revive the 'old'** overtaking rules "If you know someone faster is trying to overtake, you have to give them the racing line" rather than positioning yourself on the racing line and making them overtake you if they can. The logic apparently is that there will be less accidents if 'fast' drivers aren't frustrated by 'slower' drivers who they just can't quite overtake and therefore "push to pass". Though no doubt it could be justified by saying that people come to see 'overtaking' rather than skillful driving and any measures that increase overtaking (since we don't really have the option of DRS or KERS) would be for 'the good of the sport'
* At least, I hope it was merely a rumour, not an active, sincere suggestion.
** I know that isn't what the old rules actually said, but it was how some people interpreted it, especially when they got to parc ferme behind you.