" It wouldn't take much more than an email distribution list."
Indeed. The trouble is that for a variety of reasons the people currently on the committee are unable to collate all the information and then send it out to their club members.
Sometimes it is as simple as the fact that they are not present at the discussions or don't understand the issues involved, sometimes it's because they are busy enough in their own lives and sometimes it's simply because the information isn't easily available.
One cannot send someone from each club to every discussion of every committee that meets formally or informally to advise the MSA, the ABkC etc.
Of course, the club might ask for an information liaison officer.....but getting a volunteer capable of doing the job is another matter. As for getting members opinion, comment or proposals, it is a thankless task. People who are , for example, more than willing to complain on this forum suddenly go silent when asked to make it official or to actually back up their complaints with a few facts.
This is the danger of a social media meeting place. There's a bias to speed, ignorance and volume which no amount of explanation or reasoned counter argument can dispel. For example, the European Parliament have a website devoted to debunking the persistent myths and outright lies that are often spread about them, yet still the media finds it easier to make up "stories" even when they know that those stories are completely untrue; not just the media, politicians including Farage and UKIP are perfectly willing to whip up outrage by repeating folklore rather than the truth, simply because a lie can be halfway round the world before truth has even got its boots on.
So too with the Drivers Association. How will it deal with the myths and beliefs that are rife in karting, but turn out to be based on cherished misconceptions? Or will it find, like other responsible bodies, that they can spend far too much time on countering rumour and innuendo and just let them spread? Difficult for a body whose main plank is a belief that all those currently doing their bit for karting are fools, thieves or incompetent, don't you think?