Hi Glen, sorry for the slow reply, been out of the UK for a week, and no Internet access. You are quite right; I don’t have any UK numbers, although I do have a set of Euro numbers on my barrels etc. However this won’t stop us racing “our” French engines here in the UK. Firstly both engines are built to the "Fiche" that IAME issues to all their dealers (been helped by a UK IAME dealer there), we have the UK spec carb and ignition, reeds etc.etc.etc. Before the 1st Jan I will have both engines checked, measured and examined by a UK scrut, I will also have a certificate of conformity for both. As the X30 is a EURO based product it and its users are covered by the E.U. sales of goods acts and regulations. So as long as an X30 is technically correct to UK spec, you cannot be stopped from racing here in the UK with a non UK purchased engine, its simply illegal – under so many clauses. Yes, I may have to register the engine(s) here in the UK but I will have all the correct paper work for that. In fact it is in J.M. best interest to let any correct spec engine run, no matter where it was bought. As anyone will tell you there is little profit in the base unit sale, the profit comes from the spares, always been that way. So more engines racing, equals more profit. After all for JM it is just a commercial exercise. P.S. although my career has been motorsport it’s not all been as an engineer, I dealt with commercial issues too, branding etc………