Hi, having now done some running on ‘our’ X30 I thought I would pass on what my son and I have found. There does seem to be a great deal of hype around this class, and I feel some of it has been a little over the top, dare I say ‘commercially driven!!’ Again this only our findings and opinions no more. Both the engines we have are s/h and came from the French X30 series and optimized to IAME Worldwide fiche, except for Tillotson carbs. Prior to our tests the engines were dyno’ed and the carbs set-up, also the barrels had a full set of measurements taken and a 3D model was created (I used to work for a leading UK race engine builder - nice to have expensive toys). So from the dyno test it was clear that both engines had less low down, but more top-end torque/power than both our old Max engines. Bottom end could be improved with a longer exhaust flex, with a loss of some top end, nothing strange there TKM drivers have been ‘pipe tuning’ for years. So gearing would be important. The dyno showed a very smooth power curve, but with quite a sudden torque drop off, and very stable carb settings – playing not required, stock pop-off etc. worked all the way through. On track this proved to be pretty much the case, we geared slightly lower than Max and this proved to close to our final settings. My son found the engine much easier to drive, throttle control being ‘power on demand’ his words, if he made a mistake it was simpler to recover from, no need to be on the brake and throttle to balance the power valve opening. His smile said it all. We did run against a couple of Max’s and in general were quicker, but not everywhere. I do suspect the engine will make for very close racing as this ease of throttle control will be available to all. Based on OUR findings and measurements/power checks after 20 hours trouble free running we will be planning piston changes after 5 hours, to keep the engine on top-line. Which even at club level will be a need as the engines do appear to very, very well matched – (they will run longer with careful carb management but performance does suffer IMHO). This may or may not include a hone and going up a bore size. @ 20 hours it will without doubt be resized and the bottom end fully rebuilt. Compared to MAX this will be more expensive. We expect a further £1000 over a CLUB racing year. This is the price you pay for having a pure built racing engine, from ITALY. We have made our choice and will be sticking with it. Sorry for the long post, already deleted around 30% could tell more but that will spoil some people’s fun.