Rotax now use mojo tyres
Everyone has to run a stupid little disc protector if their brake disc hangs underneath the chassis rail by 0.000000001mm
The MSA have thought up more rules
The forum is still full of moans about the MSA/ABKC/Cadet engines etc
TAG transponders are going to end karting (apparently)
Everything's too expensive
The MSA have thought up more rules
Anyone who's not racing Rotax on a Tonykart and spends less than £100k a season is now a bandit
The 2008 selection of "next Lewis Hamilton's" are now bankrupt and have been replaced by a new crop
There's even more classes now
The Motorhomes and Chelsea Tractors are larger
club grids are even smaller than 5 years ago (and the numbers weren't very good then either)
The MSA have thought up more rules
Super 1 is trying to be a European Series with parc ferme tyres, driver parades and grid "babes". Meaning there are now about 6 tracks in the whole country that can actually host a round.
PFI has a bridge, and a extension!
Buckmore still doesn't have a bridge, or a extension!
TKM are trying to be cool with stickier tyres and foreign chassis's.
Despite the kart trader's best efforts to get everyone racing Rotax, TKM and Blue are still around.
The MSA have thought up more rules
Anyone who wins is still accused of cheating
Cadet Dad's still use heat guns
Non-MSA karting is beginning to take off, as a result of the MSA thinking up more rules
The MSA have thought up more rules
itpro and Quick Old Timer still refuse to believe that soft axles, seats and mag rims make a difference.
We're still no further in establishing which class Traxtar won his 8 National Titles.
Newshound is no longer with us :-(
The MSA have thought up more rules
Everyone still runs kerbs
Everyone still gets fired off at turn 1
The O Plate still attracts a small entry
MSA Clerks still vary in their application of the rules club-by-club.
The MSA have thought up more rules
All Cadet/Junior parents now have to get a PG licence.
Spikey/bleeched hair, an earpiece, bright sunglasses, a tonykart fleece/bodywarmer aswell as having your stopwatch hanging out your back pocket is still the style for "team" mechanics. Anyone who doesn't look like this is classed as a bandit.
Younger drivers take pot shots at each other on Facetube and Twitbook. The worst offence is to call someone a bandit.
There's a thing called iZone now, which all the kids rave about.
And that's all I can think off for now :-)