Are you looking for the answer within the norms of the existing engine or as additional silencing?
If you are looking at additional silencing then you have to look at the primary noise sources: intake, cylinder unit, exhaust and decide whether you are going to reduce the noise they make or contain the noise differently.
For example, the noise of the exhaust is as much from that entire metallic structure 'ringing' as it is from the exhaust gas going through it. So you can reduce the exhaust noise by cancelling out the ' and 'ringing'. A simple shroud of High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) that goes over both exhausts,with an air gap, like the cover of many a generator, will quite cheaply reduce the perceived noise.
Of course, it isn't practical from the current racing point of view because it is heavy and there can be heat issues. One wouldn't be competitive if others did not have them too, unless you are light enough to use it instead of ballast.