Afternoon all
I have relatively recently switched form using Shell M to Castrol R40 on a TKM extreme as recommended by BRT, it is meant to be a better oil plus being cheaper especially as you use less of it 250ml V 300ml per 5l mix. My only issue with it is that it seems to gunge up the carb a lot more than Shell oil so it means that even if I give the carb a quick squirt over after use with carb cleaner it then has to be rebuilt in order to work next time.
We are only practicing so carb performance is not critical and we limit the revs to less than 15k to prolong rebuild times and now having to rebuild every time adds in time and a hidden cost to the day when before I could easily get 2-3 “days” per carb on Shell M.
I am running it at 250ml per 5l mix (for Castrol R40), is this correct? Obviously I would rather rebuild the carb then hurt the engine