Age old problem with the OTK self adjusting brake system. The problem lies in the master cylinder in that either the piston is not fully returning to its stop due to debris collecting under the red rubber cap, or more the more likely cause is an overfill of the fluid reservoir. the solutions to both are very simple. For the fluid overfill simply remove the cap, plastic ring and rubber seal then remove fluid until the reservoir is only 1/3rd to 1/2 full. Replace the cap and seals and the problem will go away. Alternatively in the case of a sticky piston remove the entire master cylinder, clean out the debris from under the red rubber cap, carefully remove the circlip that retains the piston and then remove the piston. Thoroughly clean all the components and re assemble adding a small amount of red rubber greece after refitting the piston and clip to keep out wet & grit. There has also been an issue with early 16mm dick versions that saw the disk moving out of line. Otk solved this by modifying the carrier on later models, however a tap with a soft faced mallet in the appropriate face position of the disk will normally rectify this run out, if you do this DO NOT loosen the clamp first just give the disk a knock and re check, in most cases the run out will then eventually solve itself.