have been considered?
So if you have 5000 drivers with licenses and you mandate that everyone could/must be a member of a drivers association, charge say £10 per annum to represent the efforts/admin that is a revenue of £50k so you will need Secretary, Treasurer, committee etc.? And what about non MSA drivers, a lot would consider joining an association if they got some discounts etc..
Now when a decision on a topic is needed you send out a communication by Twitter, FB, email and so on and say 10% reply, so the 10% make the decion for 100% of the license holders, or worse still 100% reply and then you need to devote a Committee time to reviewing ALL 5000 responses, how long will that take.
The system we have in place is far from perfect but its there, working outside of it acheives nothing. A Driver's Association is a fine idea but over time it can only mirror what is currently in place?
To make it work it needs full time administration and committment, I applaud whoever will get the ball rolling as with all these tasks it will be a thankless task and expect the same comments on here in two years time about the driver's association as we currently have about the ABkC, MSA etc?