You will have to be thick skinned to rattle me!! Anyway back on topic. As has been said on here many many times, the answer will lay in the very apt word of "TEST" At first i would say your son will have many many differnt lines into corners and down the straights. what i would suggest is that you go and watch as many different classes race and note their lines on track. You will soon see that they all use the same line for a fast lap! The answer is to copying this your son to recreate it lap after lap after lap etc etc. You cannot when racing outdoors have a different line one lap from another. This in itself takes lots of time, effort and concentration.
Secondly as a newbie i would keep your money in your pockets and use what you have.... to guessed it "TEST" You dont need new tyres etc at your stage so get out there and just do the laps. When he has done 100 laps say, then you can start to look at times. My bet is that the first 10 laps will be over a second slower than his last 10 laps purely by him getting used to the kart with his bum in seat time. (never do more than a race distance each time you go out to practice as he will just tire and you wont move forward at all). Nov 13th Ellough non msa race day! Get your son and yourself up there and have a day out for just £35 plus kart fuel/oil etc. I should be racing up there and will gladly help with piston colour etc if you so wish.