A very valid point. Like i said it used to work on bikes and ive never delved into the karting ratios too much as i change 1 tooth at a time and record what it does to my lap times. At ellough i tend to run a 87 if there is a head wind down the main straight otherwise an 86 will suffice for my driving style. when i look at a 13/84 combination as suggested, if i were to copy that using my 12 front i would need a 78 rear and quite clearly my kart would never pull out of the bends using that gearing. Yes i know minimax can weigh upto 27 kilo's less but even so! When i used to run 177's i was around 184kg's total. Now ive lost all my excess and down to 163kg race ready my gearing has not altered that much! Still i've learnt something new and im not complaining about that.