Hi, running Formula Blue kart which packed in over weekend, went out on track and at first corner spluttered, nearly stalled, then went fine for that session and the next.
Then went to start another session and wouldn't fire, backfired a couple of times though.
Spark at plug is really strong. Have just rebuilt carb with new diaphragms, gaskets etc and gave it a good clean.
Can't get the bugger to go though, it will fire but only once/twice, then sometimes backfires. No fuel leaking out of carb so not dumping fuel. Plug was dry initially then wet but only after I'd screwed out Low jet a full turn further than it should be (had it set at about 1.25 turns, where I usually run it).
Am I missing something? Why isnt the plug getting wet when the jet appears to be set at the right number of turns? About to give up and just get a new carb or perhaps take it down to Modus Motorsports but thought I'd give forum a go before it gets too expensive!
Hope you can help, have run out of swear words now.