.... and having just this week picked up another old FA engine from EBay for less than the cost of a Rotax rebuild, you really can't go faster for cheaper!
I believe Lydd are trying to build a grid of old 100cc's also which would be awesome. These engines are too good to be sat around gathering dust.
Attack, to put it all in perspective, have a search through the old Karting.co.uk results pages to about 2003/2004 and compare 100 National (old FA engines on SL7 tyres) to Rotax's. That gives a pretty good comparison - for example Shenington 2003 100 National FL was 41.5 whereas Rotax's back then were lapping in the mid 42's on the same tyres. It's not concrete but it gives you a general idea, it generally ranges from 2-7 tenths depending on the track.