Facemiester, pistons for 100cc engines were never cheap and now they are starting to get rare so...you can expect to pay probably up to £50 for a complete piston then maybe £20 for a hone. However, having said that, there are quite a few new/old stock pistons kicking around now so shop around and you will get these cheaper. I would suggest you talk to people at your track, there's always someone who knows something or somebody that is willing to help and you can generally find people who can do the rebuilds for you quite cheaply. Don't do what I did when we first started though. We had an aircooled 100cc engine that I stripped down to check and I found it had a load of black stuff on the piston (which I thought) was lots of carbon so I cleaned it all up so it was nice and shiny. I subsequently had the big end checked by an engine builder as I thought there was some play in it and he told me I needed to replace the piston as it was badly worn. When I asked why, he pointed out that all the Teflon coating had gone! Oooooops....