Simply a more affordable "clubbie" chassi from one of the biggest Italian chassis manufacturers,as said B4 why are the others so expensive,same thing has been said about helmets recently.
My driver has won a club championship in 07,and been runner up 08 and 09 plus loads of top 3 trophies,on a chassis from ~~~ in Italy that was £1350 in 07 and the latest spec for 2010 is £1850 deliverd uk and including vat at 21% !!!!, including douglas mags,seat ,water pulley and belts and a spares kit, castor / camber 3 torsion bars adjustable steering column ,chrome UK spec rear bumper an ica plastic one and a set of wet rims .. all chromed parts as well .
Parolin also sold a self assembly kit kart through zip nwest some time ago at £1000, they all make a cheaper range of chassis,its just generally the dealers dont bring them over