ok, there has been a lot of talk about TKM this week ideas of this and that and of higher profile for the class with TV exposure and great prizes etc.
well guess what your all missing?
the london cup has all of that and i reckon could do with a good few more entries to bolster the grid
rye house have tried very hard this and last year to give offers specificly to TKM drivers in an attempt to bolster numbers and unfortunately the majority of us passionate TKM'ers didnt take them up on the offer(personally,i was a little embaressed i have to say)and i fear its now got to the point where TKM will no longer be a viable option for the club next year and that will be another club we cant race at anymore
never the less,rye house have still offered TKM drivers the chance of entering the london cup and it looks to me like(im guessing)the TKM drivers AGAIN arent going to turn up.so,basically,lets have a little less chat on the forums and a little more support for what is a big and historic event.the closing date for the event is fast approaching and i dont really care if your not in the area,i saw at the TKM festival that drivers are prepared to travel for a go "do",get an entry in please!