Grounding means making sure the coil has a path to earth.
In the case I mentioned, make sure that when the plug is out of the head and you are turning the engine over via the rear wheels, that you have a spark-plug in the end of the HT lead and that it is resting on the head (or better still wedged between the fins) to ensure the plug is earthed back to the engine (and ultimately back to the coil via the coils earth lead).
I usually use an M5 lock washer and a standard M5 washer under the heads of the M5 allen bolts to ensure they do not vibrate out. Havn't got a torque setting but make sure they are tight (but not so tight that you risk stripping the thread).
If you see complete motoplat systems on e-bay for £25 I would question whether they are in good working order. If they are then snap them up. Be aware that the HT lead cannot be replaced in the motoplat coil (unlike the PVL version) so check any damage to the HT lead. Also, coils with very short HT leads may not fit the engine - check the minimum length you require.