Honestly my impression of the 2016 synergy honda chassis was it was a complete pain in the backside to set-up, the fusion team witheld a lot of information from me, plus the information they did give was quite misleading, they sold me the wrong length axle. Only when I started to do my own thing, follow my instincts, which was then supported by some excellent and highly appreciated advice from global karting did we put it on the podium at buckmore MSA event in our second race that we used it, but it took 4 test days to sort it, and I was real worried at one point.....dont get me wrong, a great chassis which says straight, but it was real ball ache getting it set-up to our needs. Our dry settings are now sorted, almost there in dry and intermediate.
Anyway, I have one eye on minimax for 2017 as my lad is now growing like a beanstalk! Plus minimax is half popular at buckmore and bayford.....I think it all depends how we get on with the new harder cadet tyre in 2017.....TBC!