Has anyone tested or run a Fullerton chassis yet?..... we are currently in Honda-cadets, my son turns 11 in January and he is now well over 5 ft tall, so I feel mini-max is possibly on the horizon at some point next year.....possibly!.....I think the new harder cadet tyre might actually help us and stop the chassis gripping up, but to be confirmed.....
I found this article below which was really interesting, the bit about working well below 25DegC really struck a chord with me and being well suited to our general low-temp climate. But would be interested to hear any other valued opinions from people on this forum.
I'm not really one for following the pack, I am well aware that its almost a religion to run a TK chassis, but I'm not convinced its practical for the dad-n-lad team, as it needs to be jigged after almost every race session from what I saw when we spent 8 months running in a team with TK juniors and seniors with both rotax and IAME engines......those TK chassis just lived on the jig and needed constant tweeking back into shape after just general running without any shunts.
We currently run a 2016 Synergy cadet chassis and its unique selling point is although its a softer chassis, it just does not bend out of shape like the other soft chassis do when kerbing or bumping about, and consequently doesnt need jigging so often..... unless its had a massive shunt.