Throughout a long (and not very successful!) karting career, I made a decision early on, if you need a specific tool that may well be significantly useful into the future.... BUY IT! Some, I have been using for over 40 years, the drive sprocket puller being one of them!
The logic is that many of the tools cost less the sum a professional will charge you for its use within 2 or 3 times of needing it. If you think you are in this for the long-haul, buy the standard tools (drive sprocket puller, fly-wheel puller, carb checking equipment, etc.) as an when you need them. Over the years, those tools have made it financially possible to race for me.
I didn't buy the kit to 'true the crank' (for example) as you'd need lots of extra kit such as a press, DTI equipment, centre supports as the costs of getting a professional to rebuild the crank was never very high. Secondly, the use of these tools may well need a high level of experience and practice before they can be used well. Thus it would take ages for my ownership of expensive tools to recoup the costs of having professionals do it for me. Obviously, there is a balance here. The simple stuff like pullers pay example)... won't!for themselves very quickly; a dynamometer (for