Fed an auxiliary signal, it MIGHT be possible but not within the times you are suggesting!
Have a look at the blind skiers at the Olympics. They get direction from a 'mate' who skis with them. Kelly Gallagher won gold for us in that category at the last winter Olympics. She was brilliant but a long way off sighted skier's times.
Fed an audio signal saying 'left 10', 'brake' etc. he MIGHT be able to get within (let's guess) 30 seconds of the lap record...... but I doubt it and I can't see Rye allowing it.
Have a look at this. It's a 'magician' supposedly doing it:-
Even with the 'trickery' involved, he's moving at just over walking pace.
It's an ANCIENT trick that was originally done WAY back in the 1800s in a horse and cart. The guy who designed it had the idea stolen by his assistant, who promptly copied it..... and crashed immediately!
If you want to know how they do it, there are a number of approaches but most involve a trick blindfold. The second method is funnier: use a talking GPS system and a modified cruise control system so it guarantees you use the consistent speeds.... but obviously, you can't have any witnesses in the car with you!