My reply was only slightly longer than your original.
My point was simple. You claimed that we couldn't use more black-flags because:
**** 'sometimes we would be punishing the wrong person'.
I pointed out that, if your argument is correct, we should NEVER lock anyone up (either) for crimes because:
**** 'sometimes we would be punishing the wrong person'.
I assume you approve of prison..... therefore your are being WLDLY inconsistent with your views. Strictly, it's hypocrisy.
Now, you ARE an intelligent man and you are quite capable of reading a longer, properly argued, response. The fact that you claim that you couldn't was so you could try to avoid the point.
If you really are incapable, I am sorry: not all answers to difficult problems can be dealt with in 'The Sun' type of simplistic answers!
Answer the point, Alan! If it's ok to punish criminals, why is it not acceptable to punish cheating-karters?