I find it amusing that so many humans approach a problem from the wrong end.
Natural selection is a far better way to alleviate a problem and I will give a couple of examples.
During the 70's in London, the motorcycle courier became a familiar sight with people on high powered bikes thrashing around at breakneck speed in order to deliver packages in record time.
Gradually, the lunatic riders were either killed or maimed, which left a core of riders who were either more careful and considerate by design or who having observed the frailty of the human body, decided that due care would afford them more protection.
Likewise, the kamikaze cyclists of today who insist on jumping red lights or pedalling up the inside of vans and lorries, are gradually meeting their maker or training for the Paralympics.
The ones left are in the main considerate and mindful of the fact that being squashed is painful and it is prudent not to risk seeing if a lorry really will not see you if you ride in its blind spot
Now the police have purges and punish these cyclists and it appears to have had some success and that is what should be happening in karting.
Instead of coming up with completely hair brained schemes, and some of your schemes are beyond anyone's logical comprehension with electrical contacts on bumpers and telltale strips, let the officials do their job and punish the bad drivers with no recourse for appeal and use the black flag or time penalties.
There's no justice in punishing a whole grid for the misdemeanours of a few, do the job correctly and the good drivers will feel satisfaction and the bad ones will either learn a lesson of continue to be punished and lose out.
The greed of certain clubs attempting to accommodate large numbers of classes and giving even decreasing value and track time, together with Tupperware, has led to a free for all at the start of races so they really should be looking at who actually started the reason for the melees and work down.
The ABkC should be addressing the cause of smaller clubs having ever reducing entry numbers and look at ways of redistributing classes to swell their grids, if they don't they will lose even more clubs and consequently more drivers when they can't get entries to races.
Reducing good drivers to being exposed to the embarrassment of simulating a day out on the Legoland electric karts by doing standing starts is a sure way of losing top drivers and karting will still be left with the handful of unpunished bad drivers.
Much easier to just punish the bad drivers who are a small problem, rather than turn it into the present farce and an even bigger problem.
Ok, some innocent drivers may be punished but some drivers get undeserved parking tickets but they still drive their cars and most things have a way of evening out over time.
The bad drivers are known to the good drivers and the officials, but they seem reluctant to name and shame and act on them because some are attached to big teams or wallets.
(One off post again, I'm not up to discussing it)