Hi IanT..... (snap!)
I'll paraphrase the answer you'll get from the 'other side':-
"Hey, granddad..... you're the problem! You are using old ideas learned from previous decades and those lessons don't apply to us 'hip' 'cool' 'techno' dudes of the 2010s. All that matters is that we will accept ANY old tosh if we haven't seen the results of what happened the LAST time you tried these ideas..... because..... our kids are even more badly behaved .... and have Ipads...... and us parents don't feel we have to LEAD/discipline our kids..... we want them to have free expression to RAM anyone they choose.... so long as it costs us daft sums of money!"
Please be assured, those are NOT my views. I just thought I'd help the other side and save them some of their 'cool' time!
For fun: read the other replies and see if you can find any errors from my précis of their views. Those answers are ALL IN the other replies...... but not put quite so clearly!