I guess when we get to the crux of the matter the problem is not how the race starts, standing start vs fast rolling start vs slow rolling start but rather the loading (or RAMMING as ITPRO likes to call it which I can’t really argue with). The starts just happen to be where most of the ramming occurs but as has already been pointed out it also occurs in the rest of the race too.
Now I think we all agree on that. Where we differ is what’s to be done about it, what can we do about it and should we do anything about it? My personal opinion is that no safety measures should be removed. I’m sorry but I can’t agree with putting kids in additional danger to teach them to drive better. I’d like to think we’ve moved on from the 60/70s mentality of beating sense into kids. I do however think that kids and adults for that matter should be taught that there are consequences to their actions. This means tougher enforcement of the rules that already exist.
Alternative we just accept that the current situation that’s ramming is part of racing (which I don’t agree with incidentally) but please can we drop the patronising speech in every drivers briefing about this not being a contact sport and that the marshals will come down heavy on anyone caught then proceed to do absolutely nothing when karts are being fired off the track left right and centre all day long!