I support the clubs and drivers more than anyone else, as there the ones who have no Money interest and are the "sport" part.
For me the £1750 rad is no more extreme than paying £5000 for a Rotax junior engine. However where you worry about the retailers margin. I take a different view and if a reasonable rad enables more people to kart, you have more karters, so you sell more rads....and brake pads, and oil and all the other consumables. Tracks get more entries, so the owners sell more burgers etc. it's a knock on effect. What you seem to think is you need to make a margin on who we already have. I think. We need busy tracks and club meetings then everyone wins.
Your looking too short sighted.myou need upto belive our great sport can grow again. Which I think it can if we stop the monopolies and take down simple barriers to entry.
I don't think we will ever agree Simon but at least your putting forward arguments that are constructive to your beliefs. Your nick clegg I'm Nigel farage lol