Rules are a very difficult area, if you fall foul of the rules then you don’t like them – simple human nature.
The MSA rules as you all know come in two parts, sporting and technical. They have developed over the years to try to maintain a level playing field and if an incident happens and it is not covered by the rules then it is common practice to introduce a new rule to combat it and as a result of this the rule book just grows and grows.
If you don’t want to adopt the MSA rules then who is going to write the ‘Rules’ you all want a certain level of safety for instance and what about technical rules? If you don’t have them then you introduce a situation where those with the biggest wallet will win every time!
It’s a very difficult situation you all and the race organisers are in and someone has to try and sort it out because if there are NO rules and someone gets hurt then it will go to court – that is the way the world is these days like it or not.