My lad was 5th at Clay using the new wets, comprehensively stuffed by the lads on the old tyres but in April that goes away. When everyone's on the same tyres things will settle down I'm sure.
Yes it was temperature that was the problem. Alex's tyres hadn't turned a wheel apart from a couple of laps round the Crescent where we live before he ran them in the Final. In heat 3 he took a gamble on slicks in cold/damp conditions and was quicker than all the wet runners, but they took too long to come in and he lost road position. In reality it was more of a problem in running in sub-zero conditions than the tyres themselves.
Last time out was warmer and wetter and Steve's scrubbed new wets were the ones to have. It will be interesting to see what happens when the temperature rises.
Please Mr Turney, don't "SORT IT OUT"! "Sorting it out" in motorsport normally means releasing another set of tyres which will mean either we're uncompetitive or we shell out another £160 when I have an unmarked set of wets in the trailer after just one 15-lap heat.
Let's not panic shall we? Let's look back after one year instead of one meeting! I'm not surprised Spellfame sold 34 sets of tyres, there are many drivers who have been scared off buying their wets until the last minute...