Nice work, Jon. However, you fail to note the difference between typos and spelling errors. I won’t bother explaining the difference to a man of you education and doubtless abilities. Having said that, how the hell did you MISS that, bright boy....?
Secondly, I am not aware of any correlation between intellect and spelling. Please enlighten me about that link you make.
Oh.... and while we are about it.... perhaps I need to explain to you about how you lay-out paragraphs. Even on the Net, it is usual to leave a whole free line between 2 paragraphs. Yes, you do manage it once but that made the other multiple omissions even more glaring, particularly when setting yourself up as a 'white knight' rushing to poor old Rissole's defence. It would have been more effective if you had managed ACCURACY... but one, or possibly both, of us are being picky here. I mean, that 'paragraph error' is what happens SO often when you cut and paste a reply edited in Microsoft Word. Don't tell me you used that you check YOUR spelling... I would not have believed that of you... It's nasty when technology gives you away, isn't it?
Finally, a man who claims to have your level of intellect might notice that I used the spelling ‘correction’ to put-down Rissole who had INITIATED a personal attack on me when my replay was NEVER addresses to him. I thought it a light-hearted way of replying but, if we want to get SERIOUS about this...
I will now read each of your posting MOST carefully so that I may be better informed... and learn from you excellent English... Just don't let Microsoft Word's many foibles give the game away AGAIN... will you?
I look forward to our next ‘meeting’.
PS... play spot the deliberate error!