If you buy a brand new short or bare engine, you probably will not save a lot on getting the ancillaries off eBay and the like compared to buying the complete engine new. Assuming you bought a short engine (i.e. with clutch and powervalve) you'll still need carb incl slide, exhaust, coil, loom, fuel pump, airbox, battery, battery box, radiator plus pipes, brackets, etc. I've bought most of these bits as spares off ebay and I reckon if you took your time to assemble the parts you'd be lucky to have much change from £350-400. You'd be much better to spend the extra £600 and buy a full engine with no question marks over leaky rads, batteries that don't hold charge, faulty coils, etc. Considering how much it costs to test for a day, it's a false economy if just one part ends up being faulty when you hit the track.