Well..... TKM is the only option. Given the choice, I'd go for a class that used to exist but has been lost in the mists of time: 100 National (Air cooled, blue printed). TKM is the closest to that MASTER class.
Surely the EASY way to see which class costs the most is to count and estimate the value of the motorhomes, paddock awnings and other general karting detritus in each class. Also, count the numbers of 'Dads and Lads' (of both sexes) teams racing 'out of the boot of their car' in Rotax and TKM. If you are up against a 'team' who feel that £50,000 upward for a caravan with an engine is a SENSIBLE purchase for their son's HOBBY .... what will they be willing to spend on an ENGINE.....!????
Rotax HAS improved with the more HONEST latest barrels..... it still is LUDICROUSLY EXPENSIVE..... to WIN!