No, Big P.... that's NOT advertising ..... unless the person doing the posting has some financial or commercial interest.
A Financial interst would be (for example) if they owned the company or 'shop' where it's being sold or, even, if they worked there.
A Commercial Interest would be (for example) if someone was sponsored by the manufacturer or 'shop' that sells them: e.g., if a 'works driver' stated 'XYZ is the best kart!'.
Finally, this web site has always allowed specific responses to specific questions, even if there IS a commercial/financial interest. E.g., if someone asks: "Who sells XYZ karts in my area", they site owners have never objected to the manufacturer/shop selling XYZ karts from replying "We do, call us on 01234 56789". However, they often object if the answer is some HUGE advert extolling the virtues of the product ad infinitum!
However, stating " I have XYZ kart for sale at £450 " or any of the myriad of 'tricks' used to diguise such adverts is usualy removed by the site owners. They are not fooled by the 'comedy' approach (for example) of: "How much is my low mileage, XYZ kart with new tyres wheels and spares package.... worth". That's just TOO transparent!
This also applies to 'Wanted Ads': e.g. "Has anyone got an XYZ kart I can buy for under £1,000?"
Why are there these rules and why do they need 'enforcement'?
Because the site is expensive and time consuming to run. The sale of 'advertising banners' and other adverts is what pays for the site: no paid adverts would mean: no site.... and who they HELL is going to PAY for advertising if FREE ones were alowed in the Forums????