We both already know that your replies are seriously boring but I would have expected you to have read your OWN, even so:-
"i cant see the point of buying s/w to do what is fairly simple arithmetic. "
Yes, each individual calculation to analyse the 'BHP' IS 'simple arithmetic'...... however, you are clearly too 'simple' to consider the problem of large QUANTITIES of 'arithmetic' or have enough time on you tiny hands to DO those calculations. Those of us with busy lives prefer to let the computer do the 'simple arithmetic'. We CAN see the 'point' of such (cheap) software. If I remember correctly, the software and download cable for the Mychron 3 cost £27 ..... that's the best value I have ever SEEN in karting!
Stick with your pen and paper, Paul: leave complex stuff like computers to the grown-ups. Douglas Adams had advice for people like you: "Keep banging the rocks together"
PS..... since I've been away, I had forgotten what a T*SS*R you are!