As stated so well by Andy Potter,he developed it it was eventually equal,then all change to favour the Green tops Formula BLUE is BLUE 100cc not F't b''gers GREEN.
Therefore to follow RONS ethic,if I have 2 Junior drivers for 2012,and they are both 90k,can they use the Green top in Jnr BLUE ??? with a smaller restrictor than for the Blue .
Also as stated before, all change to digital ignition 2 weeks before 2012 finals,if you have still got analogue ignition working by then WHY can you not still use it,the MSA has not outlawed it ££££sss' again £500 to upgrade because RON /NKRA says so,sorry get your act into gear quickly RON/NKRA , no customers and you GO out...of business
The "new" LH03 slicks now only last one meeting ,as opposed to LH01 3 meetings,"they have only changed the mould"!!! £150 a set with TAB on them,Italy don't use them and they are £65 a set in Europe. I can get a set of new tyres for my van for that, 12,000 miles ,3500kg gross carryng capacity and 100mph rated!!.
Another rumour is tyres for Juniors might change in April,why the #### don't Ron and the "independent" NKRA give some stability to the class, we have had more changes than a pantomime dame, Look out RON and the NKRA are behind you,oh no they are not.
If the O plate and Finals are on a rota basis,why do other clubs/tracks have to apply to run the events only to be told NO ita already allocated ????
I spoke with a former,current and potenial new BLUE 100cc drivers yesterday at Wigan all up for it 2012 but want a level field, ALL on BLUE tops,no Green or they will not race SIMPLES,the balls in someones court.