Hello Dave.
I race Senior Max with the old style clutches. The main weakness is in the pins that hold the clutch shoes, which shear off where they are welded to the back plate. There is a strengthening plate that fits over them, sort of triangular in shape with three holes which go over the pins. This has made a huge difference to the life of my clutches (I haven't had a problem since fitting them), and you should still find them around (about £2 I think) try Atlantic Engineering as I purchased one off them at Rowrah at the weekend.
Fitting/checking is very easy. You will need the standard Rotax crank locking tool and a 17mm spanner. Take the clutch nut off, remove the washer and the drum will simply splide off. The clutch shoes are held onto the pins by circlips and the whole lot can be stripped and rebuilt without removing from the crank if necessary, unless the back plate needs to be changed. Worth inspecting the pin/back plate junction every race for cracks though.
Changing back plate needs a larger socket (can't remember size off hand I'm afraid), and it's VERY tight. Check manual for torque. It's easier to leave the engine on the kart and do it on the floor. When refitting use thread lock, and make sure you leave it overnight (or at least a decent time) to set, or the clutch will almost certainly come loose. It's on a taper and has no woodruff key.
Hope this all helps.