Right just to update anybody interested in my post. I took my clutches to this guy for him to have a look at. On closer inspection he has concluded the following. My replacement pins i have been getting done are more than likely made from en16. (he then micrometered them up for measurements) In order to get the pins to peen over this material (hard) needs to be heated up first cheery red. This means that the pins have been turned to 9.7mm. Thus allowing for the cheery red heat treatment they then expand but still go into the 10mm backplate hole. Then when peened over and cooled down you get a nice tight pin albeit too small in the hole. What he plans on doing is making them out of a slightly softer material and turning the pins to an interference fit. He will then press the pins through the backplate and then form the heads using one of his press machines. He sees this as a far better option than using a hammer to secure them. For this he is charging me £15 per pin to start with and we will see how they fair under race conditions. If they fail in a short time then he will use a different material again to try to extend their lifespan foc. All trial and error, and he says his cost per pin will reduce once he has the program entered in his cnc lathe, but a far cheaper option for me to continue racing.