You haved forgotten one of the earlier complaints/benefits of Aixro. Yes, even a second hand one is 'expensive'.... but that also translates into, Yes: if you buy one and sell it in a year, you'll get a HUGE amount of your money BACK. That's not the case with Gearbox.
At present, the set-up is not in place for Aixro to go 'big time' to compete with 2 strokes. The MSA seem to be blindly against it, but they6 are nothing short of imbeciles on most things!
That places the Aixro ina 'class' of being GREAT for 'gentlemen racers': those poeple love racing something QUICK, have some spare money but have sod-all TIME to spend messing about with the thing. They want to load it into the trailer, drive/race it, have ZERO maintenace problems, have a damned fine race, load it into the trailer and take home again..... and, possibly clean it before the next meeting.... if they get time....... but it'll STILL work perfectly if they don't! These motors are completely amazing!
This bizarre reliabilty (it is utterly WIERD to experience), makes the Aixro unlike anything else out there!