That's what Kai and I found..... the Aixro DID 'dig-out' of corners better..... and we were surprised, too!
As we said, though..... on a longer track (e.g., Kimbolton) the Gbox has the advantage of 6th gear and thus MUCH higher top speed which WILL beat the Aixro.... it has only 1 'gear' and that's a problem....... unless you want to use it on a shorter circuit when it is simply STUNNING!
......Guys..... I've been in karting a FEW years and I wouldn't be raving about a kart/engine that was only SLIGHTLY better than other karts/engines.... I've seen small changes over the years and they are 'nice' ...... BUT...... the Aixro is nearer in scale to the LEAP in performance from the first 'grippy tyres'.... or from the Techno Chassis (first 'coke bottle' chassis rather than the 'planks' of it's contemporaries).
If you CAN drive and you can GET a drive in an Aixro..... you are UTTERLY B*O*N*K*E*R*S not trying one... they really DO re-write the rule-book! The only downside is that you'll WANT one.... !