Sorry, I never intended to take the shine off your lap record, I know how good it feels when you manage to do something like that, even from a mechanics aspect.
The thread did drift off topic but that's the nature of UK karting.
I didn't make any conscious connection between your lad and any other incident.
I don't think you are punishing the offender twice.
It is one punishment from the MSA and one from the club or track owner but the offence broke two different sets of rules.
If the MSA ban you from driving for assault, it is ludicrous to allow that same driver to attend the track and practice, otherwise, a years ban from the MSA only probably stops you driving for one day a month, whereas the ban from the club or track covers the full period or more.
I always think that the drivers who manage to get a ban for assault are pretty crap drivers anyway and lack the disipline that the really good drivers have.