Remember: Kai took his nice 125 gbox and his Aixro to Rye House. Kai's lighter and younger than me, and is still racing (I am not....). Kai drove the 125 GBox and I drove the Aixro.
..... I OUTDRAGGED him halfway up the main straight and walked away on the corners!!! Both of us were AMAZED.... we knew the Aixro would win in the corners but we both expected the 125GBox to leave the Aixro in the straight...... it didn't!
The Aixro is out of this world!
If you wanted to design a kart-experience for drivers who have LEARNED how to race (e.g., you type guys).... the Aixro is IT! It's NOT for beginners any more than 1,000cc motorbikes or Formula 1 cars are for 'novices', either. But.... with your experience.... it's EASY to drive!
Put crudely.... imagine a light, smooth, almost vibration-less, well-braked ProKart.... with 10 engines that weighs less than a prokart..... you've got it! Oh..... and an utterly FLAT power-curve.....
I am NOT knocking GBox: I finished my 'proper' racing days in 125gbox and LOVED it!
The Aixro is something else..... and you REALLY should try one! If you do... post a message about it.....! We'll see if you end up 'gibbering' about them: like the rest of us!