I have done club100 since 2005. After doing several races indoors proving to be competitive winning many races and I wanted to progress and move to outdoors.
If there is one thing I want you to take away from this reply about Club100, then three words -Just do it!
You will notice a performance difference to indoor racing, to the corporate family race you did at Buckmore, the karts will feel fast, they will feel like a proper kart, you will know no different to compare Club100 against.
The karts are proper kart manufactured (Birel) and handle very well considering they are quite heavy compared to their pukka TKM racing cousins. Itpro is right about the de-tuning but again you will NOT notice this when you drive them as again you have NOTHING credible to compare them to.
The racing is competitive. Simple. The grids are very healthy with a good spread of skill from ex F1 world champ (damon hill did it in 2009 with his son Josh), ex F3/radical drivers, ex super 1, ex 100 britain drivers down to you and me who just enjoy racing.
Don't expect to set the world alight in your first race - I went to my first race in Club100 quite cocky thinking it would be a doddle, how wrong was I, if memory serves me well I qualified 34 out of 36 drivers, spun several times during the race and finished around 30th! - 12 months later we achieved third overall in Rookie Enduro.
Also, do the endurance racing if you can. longer races = more track time = more chance to improve your racing = £/lap better value.
Join the Club100 forum alot of useful information on their forum and you can seek other drivers to join you in an enduro team. All the members are very friendly and offer alot of advice.
Sprints (their other series) is changing this year to encourage drivers of similar ability to race together, I cannot comment on this series as I have not raced under the new sprint structure but gut feel suggests £/lap it is more money than doing endurance.
If you are doing Club100 factor in travel to tracks, the odd overnight stay if you have a long haul race and you racing AM rather than PM.
Look where the races are compared to where you live in the country, if you are northern based you have alot of travel as alot of the rounds are southerly based (whilton was most northerly track in 2010).
After 5 years of racing in Club100 I have learned a huge amount to the point where I have moved across to MSA racing to race at tracks more local to me. So it proves it is a great stepping stone up the karting ladder.
If you want to know more please ask but really if you can afford to do it then do Club100 - don't hang around too long thinking as space is limited (and in some cases sold out already for 2011).
Just do it!