It's your use the words 'easier to drive' that leave us a bit confused.
Scalextric is 'easier to drive' than almost ANY kart and pedals cars are even easier. Thus, prehaps, you don't MEAN that you weant the 'easiest to drive'.
The truth of the matter is that, no matter HOW 'easy' a specific class of kart is to drive, given equal numbers of 'entrants' and equal time: ALL classes of karting are EQUALLY difficlut to drive WELL! The guys who are quick in Super 1 would ALSO be quick in Pro-Karts. The difference is that the slow guys wopuld be closer to them in ProKarts than in Super 1...... but they'd STILL finish behind the quick guys!
If you mean: which is the easiest class to GET INTO, then one of the 'arrive and drive' classes is easier as you only need to learn how to drive rather than learning to drive AND maintain a kart at the same time.
However, longer term, there is no contest.... driving and maintaining you OWN kart is the most REWARDING. If that wan't the case, all the winning guys in Super1 would be doing 'arrive and drive'..... and they aren't.
On a final point, an F1 car is NOT going to be easy to drive but most of us who race would give our RIGHT ARM to race one...... going for the 'easiest to drive' is not something that figures highly in most racer's thinking!