Unless there are exceptional circumstances the ABkC / MSA has always tried to have an overlap when new tyres are introduced, usually 3 months but sometimes longer, so drivers can use up stock. In this case we agreed with JAG that it would not be sensible to overlap the wets and we would keep the slick overlap shorter eg 2 months. This went to the September Steering Group meeting along with all the other 2011 Gold Book changes and was approved by ABkC and MSA, then promulgated in the October newsletter which was posted to all clubs and put on the website. Not one club wrote to object, until late December when some realised they would need permission from the MSA to vary the published regulations. The club members of the steering group are elected by the clubs and like all steering group members are volunteers, giving their time up for the benefit of clubs and drivers. There are probably just as many drivers out there wanting to use up Vega stock, as those wishing to only allow Mojo’s during Jan/Feb. Hindsight is always wonderful! Please don’t use words such as ‘corrpt’, these club-elected steering group members are giving up their time for you, just like Clerks and Scrutineers etc. If the ABkC needs to re-consider the tradition of having an overlap on new tyres, that can be discussed at the next meeting (if anyone writes to request). Why is the ABkC involved with the class? Because the ABkC puts out the contract for the national championship, is the sponsoring club for the classes, and the 34 member clubs agree to run the same regulations throughout the country so drivers can move freely between clubs and honour the seeded numbers. And if you want to have a say, find out if your club has a representative on the steering group, or if they put forward someone at the AGM.